I love wandering the isles of Trader Joes looking at all the intriguing but often foreign food items.
I so wanna try the Shrimp Gyoza or the cauliflower crisps, but I just don't know if I'll like them enough to spend $5 on them. What if I HATE them?
That's why I LOVE that little station in the back corner of the store where I can try new, exotic delicacies that I'd never have the guts to pay for.
95% of the time, I would never have picked up those items without having the opportunity to sample them first.
But because I got to sample them, I've discovered many go-to favorites.
Are you giving venues and decision makers a professional and convenient way to sample who you are and what you do?
I'm not talking about sending a link to your songs on Spotify. That doesn't give them a taste of your live energy or who you are as a human (or group of humans for a band).
And I'm not talking about sending a link to an uncut 45 minute live set either. That won't put your best foot forward because the footage is raw, too long and not curated.
You need to give them a quick hit of hand-picked moments that best represents you, your live energy, and your story as an artist.
I'm talking about what we call a Sizzle Reel.
It's an artist's version of Trader Joe's "try before you buy" approach.
And the best venues, including events, festivals, and in-demand clubs will require them.
Do you need one if you're not trying to get booked in top tier venues?
No. BUT...with a decent Sizzle Reel, you'll surely blow the competition for second tier gigs out of the water.
What does a good sizzle reel look like?
Here are a few examples to inspire you.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
There are so many tools nowadays that can help you put together a great Sizzle Reel from footage you already have on your phone. You don't need to hire a video editor.
I went through my phone today and found tons of video footage that would work well for a sizzle reel. Try it!
Then you can put it on your music website and send venues the link to watch it in your booking emails.
Always in your corner,
<3 Bree